About 25% of normal babies have colic, which generally starts around 2 weeks if the baby is born full term or later if born prematurely. They almost always go away on their own by the age of 3-4 months. Crying can occur at any time of the day, but peaks between 6am and 12pm and between 6pm and midnight after the infant has fed.
The most obvious characteristic of a colicky baby is prolonged crying, clenching of the fists and flexing of the hips, reddening of the face, the tummy may appear swollen, the baby is difficult to soothe.
Possible causes
Experts don’t know exactly what causes colic but there are a few theories:
The developing nervous system and the sensitivities of newborns adjusting to their new environment.
Incorrect infant feeding
The existence of a lactose intolerance;
Allergy to cow’s milk proteins;
Mother-infant interactions, possibly anxiety, migraines and depression in the mother
Maternal smoking, a risk factor;
Immature digestive system with developing gut flora
According to some studies, colic in infants may represent intestinal inflammation and microbial dysbiosis.
What to do
Try holding the baby upright to remove air swallowed in and rock him gently;
Try placing a warm towel or a bottle of warm water on the baby’s stomach;
Offer a pacifier;
Stroll him in the stroller;
Put your baby in a car seat and go for a walk;
If breastfeeding, avoid foods that cause digestive problems
Give him products containing simethicone or natural products to eliminate gas;
How Omnibiotic Panda can help you
As a health professional I recommend products that contain probiotics and support optimal colonisation of your baby’s gut. A good example is Omnibiotic Panda, a probiotic that contains 3 bacterial strains naturally found in the intestinal tract.
A recent study reveals that a significant improvement in infant colic can be achieved in over 82% of babies by providing special probiotic bacteria.
Omnibiotic Panda contains:
Lactococcus lactis W58
Bifidobacterium lactis W52
Bifidobacterium bifidum W23
I recommend this product for its preventive effect from the 8th and 9th month of pregnancy in the mother, with continued administration of 1 sachet/day to the breastfed or formula-fed infant during the first year of life. In this way, the baby will have a healthy intestinal flora.
In addition to reducing colic, the product is also beneficial in balancing the immune system and prophylaxis of allergies, atopic diseases, neurodermatitis.
If our baby has colic, the specific effective treatment is 2 sachets per day.
Dear all, “Having a baby is a major life change…it gives a different perspective on why we wake up every day; and a baby’s smile brings a little piece of heaven to earth”.