PwC study: Bitdefender 17th largest emerging market software company in the world

talpesBitdefender was ranked 17th largest emerging market software company in the world by turnover in a recent PwC study. The study, conducted in conjunction with International Data Corp., surveyed 30 software companies in emerging markets, says

According to the study, the companies have certain common characteristics, such as the experience and understanding of local markets, common advantages, such as low cost structures, entrepreneurial culture, demographics, and common challenges, such as distance, funding and trust.

Out of the 30 companies included in the global ranking, 13 are based in China and almost a third in Eastern Europe and Russia, while 7 are based in Asia/Pacific outside of China, mainly in India and Korea. Only one company is based in the Americas.

Recent estimates show that Romania is among the top10 nations in terms of certified IT professionals per capita and broadband Internet speed. The Eastern European contingent highlights the legacy of the education system of the region, the study argues, with a special emphasis on math and science, which continues to this day.

„Our IT domain expertise was developed over many decades,” says Florin Talpes, CEO of Bitdefender. “Romania was one of the first ten countries to build and design computers, back in the 1950s” says Florin Talpeş, CEO of Bitdefender said.



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