The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) is carrying out nine searches today in Mureș County, in an investigation into a possible subsidy fraud involving projects for beekeeping and the processing of honey, financed by the EU, according to EPPO.
The searches are being conducted at the homes of four individuals and at the headquarters of companies under investigation.
At issue are two projects worth €140 000 (RON 696 416) in non-reimbursable funds to support the purchase of beehives, bee colonies and the processing of honey, financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and managed by Romania’s Agency for Financing Rural Investments (AFIR). One of the projects was meant to support young farmers and the other to develop existing bee farms.
According to the investigation, a beekeeper colluded with three individuals who met the eligibility conditions for being beneficiaries, in order to submit an application in their names and obtain the funds for himself. The evidence also shows that the three individuals did not carry out the activities required to obtain the grant for existing bee farms. In order to create the appearance of such a farm, they are believed to have used beehives and equipment that belonged to the beekeeper.
The investigation and searches counted on the support of the EPPO Support Structure in Romania – Cluj-Napoca EPPO Office (Structura de sprijin a procurorilor europeni delegați în România – Biroul Teritorial Cluj-Napoca), the Mureș County Police Inspectorate – Economic Crime Investigation Service and Forensic Service (Inspectoratul de Poliție Județean Mureș – Serviciul de investigare a criminalității economice și Serviciul Criminalistic) as well as the Târgu Mureș Special Operations Brigade (Brigada de Operațiuni Speciale) and the Romanian Gendarmerie (Jandarmeria Română – Gruparea Mobilă de Jandarmi Târgu-Mureș).
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