Delgaz Grid: Investments of 1,5 billion RON in transformation stations

Delgaz Grid has submitted, so far, a number of 20 investment projects, totaling 3.3 billion RON, in order to obtain 2.6 billion RON financing from the Modernization Fund, the difference being provided by the company, says The Diplomat.

Six projects, worth 900 million RON, with a co-financing of almost 700 million RON, have already been approved and the financing contracts signed.

The 20 projects refer to: modernization of transformer stations, high, medium and low voltage networks, transformer stations, SMART metering, as well as increasing the capacity of networks.

The package of 10 transformer station modernization projects includes 44 capacities and has a total value of 1.5 billion RON, of which 1.1 billion RON represents funding from the Modernization Fund.

The main works considered are the modernization of the medium and high voltage equipment and the command, control and measurement circuits, increasing the capacity of the stations by installing 70 power transformers, SCADA integrations and upgrades, installing photovoltaic panels on the station buildings.

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