Some parapsychology enthusiasts’ claims of the existence of ghosts, living trees, and extraterrestrial beings were based on the trees close to the city of Cluj, according to
As you go west from the capital of Transylvania, you come to Baneasa Cluj — Hoia Baciu Forest (almost 300 hectares). It is the place where the people of Cluj usually come at the weekend to have a drink. But with them, they enter a world of strange trees and paranormal enthusiasts.
Several mysterious events have been “glued” to the Hoia Baciu Forest in the last 50 years.
– To begin with, it concerns the photographs taken by Emil Barnea in 1968, in which a UFO is seen hovering over a forest.
Then there are several images in which bioform beings are said to appear, i.e., human faces or just bodies.
– The existence of trees from which a liquid occasionally flows, resembling lava, and the fact that no trace of either of these phenomena remained the following day.
– People who are decomposing. Among the images presented related to the paranormal in the forest are those of a person who appears to have no hand and who is said to have been caught partially dematerializing.
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