UBB Cluj-Napoca enlisted as the best-performing university in Romania

Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB) of Cluj-Napoca tops the recent Metaranking Universitar (University Metaranking) list, followed by the University of Bucharest in the second place, the Iuliu Hațieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMF) Cluj-Napoca, and the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, according to Romania-Insider.com.

The ranking, which was conducted by the Ministry of Education for the first time in 2016, rigorously rounds up the index performances of Romanian universities according to various prestigious international rankings to serve as the standard benchmark.

“The University Metaranking initially generated pro and con debates at launch, but in the end, over the years, it established itself as a reference mechanism in the Romanian academic and public space,” the document reads.

Next in the ranking are the Bucharest-based institution Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMFCD), the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (Iași), and Transilvania University of Brașov..

For seven consecutive years, UBB has been hailed as the best Romanian university according to the ranking, an initiative by the then minister’s research adviser Dr. Daniel David, who now serves as the university’s rector. Under the then-minister of education Sorin Cîmpeanu, Metaranking Universitar adopted even more critically acclaimed international rankings and a new parallel methodology in 2021.

Metaranking Universitar accumulates its overall list from the Shanghai Ranking, Center for World University Rankings (CWUR), CWTS Leiden, NTU Taiwan Rankings, QS World University Rankings, SCIMAGO Journal & Country Rank, THE-Times, URAP of Ankara-based METU, US News, Round University Ranking, and Russian MosIUR.

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