IOANA’S PILL: Burnout, causes and treatment

A stressful lifestyle, with many tasks at work and at home, can drain us of resources and make us unable to cope with everyday tasks. When stress at work causes physical, emotional and mental symptoms, it’s called burnout. In today’s IOANA’S PILL we’ll look at the causes of this syndrome and, more importantly, what we can do to feel positive and hopeful again.

If you feel exhausted and frustrated, have low self-esteem, feel powerless, are unmotivated and prefer isolation, if you have an increasingly cynical and negative outlook on things in general, you may well be heading for burnout.

Burnout: causes

Among the causes of this syndrome are:

– Overwork and underwork;

– Working in a chaotic and high-pressure environment;

– Taking on too much responsibility;

– Lack of socialisation and relaxation time;

– Insufficient sleep;

– Pessimistic outlook;

– Need to be in control.

Burnout sufferers often need support from their employer, family or friends, but it also takes personal effort to get through it.

Positive changes

So if you are suffering from burnout we recommend the following changes:

1. Take a break and change direction

2. Get out of isolation and socialise

3. Talk about these problems with your partner, family and friends

4. Try to be more social with colleagues at work;

5. Limit your contact with negative people;

6. Identify the positive aspects of your job or look for another job

7. Find value in your work;

8. Find balance in your life.

9. Take time for yourself alone;

10. Re-evaluate your priorities and set boundaries;

11. Support your well-being and energy levels with a healthy diet and enough sleep.

By taking care of ourselves, we actually take care of those we love.

Metabolic Regulatpro

On the pharmaceutical market we find help for these demanding and difficult periods in our lives or even associated with burnout syndrome. As a pharmacist I have studied the products on the market and stopped at Regulatpro Metabolic.

Regulatpro Metabolic is a nutritional supplement that balances the metabolism of cells and the body’s own enzyme system. As a result, following the administration of this product, the absorption and utilization of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals administered will be at an optimal level.

Regulatpro® Metabolic contains the concentrated power of Regulatpro® Bio, supplemented with B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12), folic acid, trace elements and minerals (zinc, magnesium, chromium, manganese), vitamin C (orange juice) and vitamin D. This product is beneficial in situations of


  • Severe mental and physical stress
  • Imbalanced diet and unhealthy lifestyle
  • To restore sleep quality
  • Strong strengthening of the immune system
  • To compensate for fluid loss after increased physical activity and fitnessOptimism is a personal choice, which we can strengthen through the ideas we embrace and how we interpret what happens to us each day. Let’s be optimistic.

AUTHOR: Ioana Gabor, Doctor of Pharmacy


