The Romanian Government on December 28 endorsed the feasibility study for the 68-km motorway Sibiu-Fagaras, part of the so-called Transilvania Motorway, including a total staggering cost estimated at RON 7.5 bln (EUR 1.5 bln, VAT included), according to
The price may be explained by the multitude of tunnels and bridges built in order to diminish the impact on the natural habitats populated by wolves and bears. In addition to viaducts, there are 63 bridges and 85 bridges along the route that crosses wetlands, according to
The underpasses envisaged on the Sibiu-Fagaras motorway route ensure the connectivity between the habitats, allowing the free access and dispersal of the fauna species (in some cases also of the flora species) through the structures built under the motorway. The other part of the Sibiu-Brasov route (another 48 km) doesn’t have a feasibility study yet.
On August 23 2021, the Ministry of Transport signed the contract for the update of the feasibility study and the document will be ready within 25 months. Sibiu-Brasov route has the key role of linking the planned motorways Brasov-Bacau and Brasov-Bucuresti with Sibiu – a key point on the EU-funded Pan-European Corridor IV that includes among others Sibiu-Pitesti route.
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