The vagina hosts a complex micro eco-system containing billions of microbes. Scientific evidence shows that there is a causal link between the microbiome and metabolism, hence the conclusion that this is where we can look for the reason that triggers specific diseases. This edition of Joanna’s Pill looks at vaginal flora and the conditions that can occur when there are imbalances at this level.
Our bodies are full of colonies of harmless bacteria known as microbiota.
It acts as a shield against pathogens that could invade the skin, oral cavity, digestive tract and vagina. Bacteria located in the human vagina are considered to be the first line of defence against vaginal infections.
However, in some circumstances pathogens can proliferate, causing health problems outside the digestive system, such as urinary tract infections and bacterial vaginosis.
What causes dysbiosis and who is at risk?
Among the most common causes are:
1. Changes in hormone levels causing fluctuations in the vaginal microbiome
2. Variations in sexual activity, showering , chronic stress, regional disparity, race:
3. Dietary changes that increase protein, sugar or food additive intake;
4. Accidental consumption of chemicals such as persistent pesticides on unwashed fruit;
5. Chronic consumption of alcohol and use of medicines such as antibiotics, contraceptives
There are more and more studies showing that the gut and genital tract microbiota in women are biological ecosystems that are in continuous communication, thus can influence health and balance at other levels of the body.
It has been shown that the gut can serve as a reservoir for both lactobacilli and bacteria associated with bacterial vaginosis.
There are many products on the pharmaceutical market that help maintain or restore a healthy intestinal and vaginal flora.
Why we recommend Omnibiotic 6
It contains 6 key bacterial strains that colonise the entire intestinal mucosa from duodenum to rectum having a beneficial effect in vaginal infections and especially in Candida infections.
Through its composition in essential lactobacilli, it has an immunomodulatory effect. It also restores the intestinal barrier which influences the microbiota at other levels of the body, including the vaginal.
Because both gut and vaginal microbiota interact with the immune system and modulate immune responses, I recommend the combination with Regulatpro, which is a powerful non-specific immune modulator.
This effect is achieved through increased bioavailability due to the special cascade fermentation method. It is a fermented liquid concentrate obtained from organically grown fruits, vegetables, nuts and herbs.
For optimal effect I recommend taking Omnibiotic 6 and Regulatpro for a minimum of three months.
“Health is a state of complete harmony between body, mind and spirit. When we do not suffer from physical ailments and distractions of the mind, the gates of the soul open.”