Tiberiu Moisă, BT, explains the meaning of the #CumparaDeLangaTine campaign

The most important Romanian bank, Banca Transilvania, has launched a campaign to support the businesses of those most affected by the current crisis. It’s about the #CumparaDeLangaTine campaign.

The Deputy General Manager of MidCorporate & IMM Banca Transilvania, Tiberiu Moisă, explained on the Business Cafe show moderated by Raul Chiş on Via Cluj TV what is the philosophy behind the #CumparaDeLangaTine campaign. The campaign is based on videos made by those who decided to support local businesses when buying from entrepreneurs who form the new backbone of the Romanian economy.

”Through #CumparaDeLangaTine we do not want to limit the discussion to“ Buy from the ground floor of the block ”or“ Buy only Romanian products ”. We can’t produce anything in Romania and we don’t know how to do anything, we have so many things to learn from others. It is simply the beginning of a discussion in which we understand better and better that if I am aware of the choices I make from an economic point of view, this will be seen around me, on the street, in my neighborhood, in town.

It is not a slogan, it is not a kind of civic obligation. These people, in turn, must deserve your trust, they must make sure that their services or products are of quality, to give you a reason why you prefer them, but sometimes to have that discreet subjectivism. , normal, civilized, for ours “, said Tiberiu Moisă.

