Posta Romana conclude financial agreement with EximBank

National Company Romanian Post (CNPR) has concluded a financing agreement worth of RON 200 Million with EximBank, which won the competitive procedure organized by the company and entered by several banks. The financing provides the necessary resources for starting the most extensive investment program in the last 40 years aiming at upgrading services and going digital, according to

The ceremony of signing the financing agreement by Horia Grigorescu, General Director of CNP and Traian Halalai, Executive President of EximBank was also attended by Lucian Bode Minister of Transportation, Infrastructure and Communication.

The investment program of the company aims at consolidating and securing the market leading position in Romanian postal sector and is based on the professional recommendations of Deloitte according to which reaching the business targets needs investment in postal infrastructure, in its upgrading and digitalization as well as in the human resources.

The loan granted by EximBank for a 12 years tenor will be used mainly for:

  • logistic processes automatization by setting up new transit /sorting centers in Bucharest North and Cluj – 69 Million Lei;
  • creating and implementing of an integrated digital system management architecture (hardware and software), needed for insuring the informational flows (ERP and its modules) –128.3 Million Lei;
  • rehabilitation of historical buildings in Timisoara, Piatra Neamt, Oradea and Cluj and their valorification in terms of commerce, culture and history–54.5 Million Lei.

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