Hexagon nears completion in Cluj Napoca

The 20,000 sqm Hexagon Offices building in Cluj Napoca, owned by Kész International is scheduled for completion in June 2019, according to EuroBuildCEE.com.

BNP Paribas Real Estate Romania has been appointed the property manager and the exclusive leasing agent for he nine-storey building, which is BREEAM certified with a rating of ‘Excellent’.

“We are already at an advanced stage of the set-up of the property management team and all the in-house procedures and technology for a smooth transition of the property from the landlord to our PM team. In the first months under our management, we will focus on providing tenants with the smoothest transition into the new office space, whilst making sure that all the building systems are in perfect condition in the handover from the construction company. We believe that the opportunities offered by the local market combined with our proactive approach will increase the value of the property and will remain attractive for future tenants”, stated Costin Nistor, the head of property management at BNP Paribas Real Estate Romania.


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