The Romanian energy regulator (ANRE) has approved higher electricity prices for local distributors since March 2019 following a price freeze as it recognized some past costs to most companies operating in the sector, according to
The decision to increase electricity prices could have a large impact on electricity bills from March but not in all parts of the countries.
According to a new regulation approved this month by ANRE, electricity prices approved for the Bucharest region to a local subsidiary of Italian group Enel increase by 34 percent up to around RON 0.33 / kWh, while prices in Banat region (for another Enel subsidiary) rise by 29.7 percent.
Lower increases are approved for distributors in Transylvania (Electrica – 6-7 percent) and Moldova (Germany’s E.ON).
Electricity price account for half of the electricity bills in Romania – so the impact on the final bill is lower than the electricity price increase – as the other half includes taxes and distribution costs.
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